Formaldehyde Free Resins (UF Resin)
LignuPro™ Zero
LignuPro™ Zero Adhesive A201 & LignuPro™ Hardener H201
The Lignu products include a variety of adhesive systems that work excellently in furniture and flooring applications.
Our new Bonding system is a formaldehyde and isocyanate free bonding technology with hard glue line properties similar to the thermosetting Urea Formaldehyde adhesive.
The system contributes to improving the indoor air quality, both in working and living environments.
LignuPro ™ Free consists of several systems to be applicable to your specific application needs.
LignuPro™ Free flooring offers great benefits to strengthen competiveness for producers by:
- Formaldehyde and isocyanate free glue line
- High bonding performance
- Complies to pass ANSI standard
LignuPro™ Free veneering offers, in the same way, great benefits to strengthen competiveness for producers by:
- Formaldehyde and isocyanate free glue line
- High bonding performance
- Reducing veneer to board delamination and edge to edge glue line opening during the gluing process, which by that, secure an optimal gluing result
As an additional choice to LignuPro™ Free we can offer "Bonding process monitoring" which ensures relevant process parameters by:
- Measuring and logging the flow of glue and hardener, for optimal glue amount
- Measuring and logging the lamella and glue temperature
- Alarm that gives an early warning if any pre-set value deviates
- No labor cost for collecting and storing of data in any quality system or for manual mixing of glue and hardener
These functions will make sure that the production work is ensured and effective.
If you require futher information, please refer to Technical Data Sheets
Click here to request Data Sheets